Easily the best piece I've read in a couple of months on Substack. Keep up the great writing, Joel. Stoked to read the other articles you referenced here.

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Hey Chris

The average piece on this blog takes ~30-40 hours to write. The benchmark for us has been to write the deepest piece on anything we publish. High ordeal to meet as a creators and sometimes, it can be nerve wrecking when you rely on algorithms for distribution

Until a stranger like you comes along and says something this sweet.

You have made my day :)

Thank you

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Great article!

Powering AI through crypto will likely not just be a plus but a necessarily soon to prevent corporate-AI from eating up the world.

In other words, if people have an open source version of AI where they can share their creations publicly (and able to monetize their work) would be infinitely preferable to Big Tech AI owning all your data and maybe giving you pennies in return (and meanwhile using the profits to build ever-more powerful AI that can have a subversive influence on society/politics/etc.).

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WoW. Great context setting on Abundance vs Scarcity and the parabolic productivity of exceptional talent and new more fun and games and joy industries as basics will be taken care of ( the long term trend of Industrial to Information to knowledge to experience economy)

The role of block chain NFT provenance and community property rights is a great visualization forward. May it happen FAST

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Restated by Ben Thompson on 'Brands' matter more then content and need for provenance


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Mind-blowing article! Great work Joel!

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