I don't know why this article hasn't gone viral or why it has no comment... probably because ur audience are more intelligent and I'm the first gullible person to read it... buh I enjoyed every piece of it.

It was great great great information.

Yunno, I knew something was special about Sanctum before they had any or much audience... I even have a tweet where the founder (I think) was replying my tweet about how to improve the UX on their product. Now, I definitely and squarely understand that special thing, and you(the writer or writers) made that possible. (I'll be shocked if this came from a single person)

Real talk... I love what you guys did with this writing, it was with the utmost simplicity.

It doesn't have much defi expert talk that makes me feel like, "even if i finish this long article, I won't get the much that was given", did you follow what I meant with that. I have just one writer I follow and appreciate his work like this, @yashhm on twitter, he has "beyond-the-best" stuff too.

This is the one thing about his writing that bothers me, they're TOO IMPACTFUL (for me, a grug brain person), big information dense into one paragraph, I also noticed that paragraph contains much than I got. I feel he should make his article into series instead or just create a class to educate his readers(or just dumb me) on the basis of Defi.

This work is real good, I'll check out more of your stuff , definitely. I'll try mentioning this to Sanctum, if it ever gets to them, this is worth rewarding, immensely(sorry, am grug brain and also poor 😔☹️). Thanks again for this. God bless the hand(s) behind it. Amen 🙏🏿.

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Thank you for the kind words :)

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You're the writer?

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Yes :)

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In regards to Sanctum and these LST what is the security / contract risk?

Is the whole restake, account management and staking rewards eth. autonomous or does it have some level of human administration?

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Every major project needs an LST because of Stake-weighted Quality-of-Service, Bullish sanctum!

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well written,

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