Distribution with Ease of transacting ( Minimal friction) is key. One of the things is that Telegram API and Data model for bots is pretty good and there are good libraries in python. Much can be done without directly interfacing with the MTproto layer.

Analogy of Tensorflow being much more friction then Pytotch in ML and esp LLM development

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Have you seen more complex apps (outside crypto) being built on TG so far.

I found variations of Zoom and ticket booking apps

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Yes. There are many large 'supergroups' in the older terminology where bots can be members and help human members . They get data from other web2 repositories and post and publish events both ways . TG users as authors and TG users as audience . and discussion topics to web2 backends.

I have not used but have heard many 'trading' communities around other stuff ( stickers, stamps, dating etc) as well as bidirectional links to Slack etc

There are many directories. See https://telegramchannels.me/bots

Complex UX ( Multi level forms and state transitions) have been built but does not get traction.

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Thank you MoonDuck, always insightful hearing from you.

I'll check these.

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Thank you so much for mentioning my channel!

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